VladimirMikulic/route-list: Beautifully shows Express/Koa/Hapi/Fastify routes in CLI.
23-Oct-2024 227
Before you can use route-list on your project, we first need to make sure it's configured properly. In order for route-list to work, we need to export server "app". The example below is for Express but it also applies to Koa (with @koa/router)/Hapi/Fastify.
VladimirMikulic/route-list: Beautifully shows Express/Koa/Hapi/Fastify routes in CLI. #js #javascript #VladimirMikulic/route-list: #Beautifully #shows #Express/Koa/Hapi/Fastify #routes https://www.javascript.ba/link/vladimirmikulic-route-list-beautifully-shows-express-koa-hapi-fastify-routes-in-cli