Release v0.19.0: Column layouts, PDF and Docx exports · TypeCellOS/BlockNote
08-Nov-2024 214
These packages have been published as @blocknote/xl-multi-column, @blocknote/xl-pdf-exporter and @blocknote/xl-docx-exporter. We're 100% committed to developing all our work open source. To ensure we run a sustainable project, we are experimenting with XL packages. These are dual-licensed packages that are released under AGPL-3.0 licenses. You're free to use these in open source projects, but for usage in proprietary / commercial projects, a sponsorship is required.
Release v0.19.0: Column layouts, PDF and Docx exports · TypeCellOS/BlockNote #js #javascript #Release #v0.19.0: #Column #layouts, #exports #TypeCellOS/BlockNote #typecellos/blocknote