eshaz/wasm-audio-decoders: Browser and NodeJS Web Assembly audio decoder libraries that are highly optimized for size and performance.
01-Nov-2024 144
WASM Audio Decoders is a collection of Web Assembly audio decoder libraries that are highly optimized for browser use. Each module supports synchronous decoding on the main thread as well as asynchronous (threaded) decoding through a built in Web Worker implementation.
Web Assembly is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine that allows for near native code execution speed inside of a web browser. In practice, these decoders are just as fast, and in some cases faster, than the browser implementation.
eshaz/wasm-audio-decoders: Browser and NodeJS Web Assembly audio decoder libraries that are highly optimized for size and performance. #js #javascript #eshaz/wasm-audio-decoders: #Browser #NodeJS #Assembly #audio #decoder #libraries #highly #optimized #performance. #performance. #web