Creating an ASCII Shader Using OGL | Codrops
15-Nov-2024 210
Explore the world of shaders with this easy-to-follow guide to creating a custom ASCII art animation using WebGL, Perlin noise, and GLSL.I’ve started using shaders as a powerful mechanism for creating cool generative art and building performant animations. One cool thing you can do with shaders is use the output from one as the input to another. Doing so can give you some really interesting and amazing effects.
In this article, I’ll walk you through how to do exactly that.
By following along with the article, you will:
Get a project set up
Create a simple shader
Generate some Perlin noise
Feed the output of the Perlin noise into an ASCII shader
Add some control knobs to tweak the values in real time.
Creating an ASCII Shader Using OGL | Codrops #js #javascript #Creating #ASCII #Shader #Using #Codrops